Palestinians Behind Bars: Prisoners Without Human Rights

“Palestinian prisoners in Israel refers to Palestinians imprisoned in Israel in the wake of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The future of Palestinian prisoners detained by Israel is considered central to progress in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

Most of the prisoners have been tried in Israeli courts, but some are being held in administrative detention. On 18 October 2011, 477 of an agreed 1,027 Palestinian prisoners were released as part of an exchange for Gilad Shalit, anIsraeli soldier abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006.

In December 2011, 4,772 security prisoners were serving terms in Israeli jails. Of these, 552 were sentenced to life terms.”

– Wikipedia :

“At the end of June 2012, some 4,484 Palestinian security detainees and prisoners were held in Israeli prisons. A few dozen other Palestinians (we do not have precise figures) are held in IDF facilities for short periods of time.”

Please click on this link to see the statistics.

The Palestinian prisoners languishing in “israeli’ jails include not only men but women and children as well. The treatment these victims receive is inhumane to the extreme.

Advocates for Peace and Social Justice condemns the Zionist entity in “israel” for its human rights abuses in its unending crusade to eject Palestinians from their homeland. “Israel” is an apartheid state that was illegally created via the treachery of the Balfour Declaration crafted by England and France. They had NO right to give away a land which was not their own.

Advocates for Peace and Social Justice advocates for the abolition of the Declaration of Balfour.

Below is a video which documents the conditions of the Palestinian prisoners languishing in “israeli” prisons.  Shamefully what you will witness has been adopted by the Zionists that have hijacked the government of the USA so expect that someday you will be experiencing the same pain that the Palestinians have endured for decades.

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